# Decompress and Extract gzipped tar file
tar xvfz <file>.tar.gz
tar xvfz <file.tgz
# Create archive and compress
tar cvfz <file>.tgz ./*.c
# Decompress and Extract the bzip2ed tar file
tar xvfj <file>.tar.bz2
tar xvfj <file>tbz --non
# Decompress file to bzip2
bzip2 -d lab-connection.bz2
# Extract 7z file
7z e <file>.7z
7z x -so oscp.tar.7z | tar xfv - -C ./tmp
# Create 7z file and archive it
7z a <file>7z ./oscp/*
tar cf - ./oscp/* | 7z a -si <file>.tar.7z
# cpio - extract
cpio -idv --no-abolute-filename < back