First Recon

First recon with crackmapexec

# This is the best enumeration before firing up nmap
cme smb <IP range>
cme smb

Probe Domain Controllers

# Check if the targets open ports 389 (LDAP) and 88 (Kerberos). If yes, these are DC most of time. color_output is the aliases that calls sed command to color the output. 

nmap -p 389,88 --open -Pn | color_output
nmap -p 389,88 $RHOST --open -Pn | color_output
# alias color_output="sed -E -e 's/([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}/\x1b[32m&\x1b[0m/g' -e 's/([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.){1,}[a-zA-Z]{2,6}/\x1b[32m&\x1b[0m/g' -E -e 's/(open)/\x1b[33m&\x1b[0m/g'"

Nmap recon

# Assume that you edit ip.exe that contains IP addresses for targets
# All scan files are stored in nmap directory

# ARP scan
nmap -sP -PR -n 

# Ping Sweep (No port scan)
nmap -sn | grep "Nmap scan report for" | cut -d" " -f5
nmap -sn | grep "Nmap scan report for" | cut -d" " -f5 > findings/ip.txt

# Port scan
for i in $(cat ip.txt); do echo $i && sudo nmap -vv -sC -sV -p- -oA nmap/$i --max-retries 0 $i;done


# Assume ip.txt exists
# All scan files are stored in autorecon directory

sudo -E su -p
autorecon -vv o autorecon -t ip.txt

DNS recon

# dig @<dns server> <domain> axfr
# Assume that DC is DNS server 
dig @<DC ip address> yourdomain.htb axfr 

# Automated recons
dnsrecon -d yourdomain.htb
dnsrecon -d yourdomain.htb -a -n <IP_DNS>  # Zone transfer
dnsrecon -d sevenkingdoms.local -n

# git clone
# cd adidnsdump
# pip3 install .
# mkdir yourproject/dns && cd yourproject/dns
# The tool will produce recodes.csv file locally
cd findings/domain
adidnsdump winterfell.north.sevenkingdoms.local 

Last updated