KeePass kdbx


You find .kdbx file.

Access to the file

# Install
sudo apt-get install kpcli libterm-readline-gnu-perl libdata-password-perl

# Read access (Assume that you crack the passwrod and save it in keypass file. 
kpcli --pwfile=./keypass --kdb=CEH.kdbx    
kpcli:/> help  
kpcli:/> ls 
kpcli:/> cd CEH 
kpcli:/> ls 

# Show entry - change the number
kpcli:/CEH> show 0
kpcli:/CEH> show -f 0

Cracking kdbx file

# keepass2john 
keepass2john passwords.kdbx


hashcat -m 13400 hashes.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt 

Last updated