Word of Wisdom


  • Build you own mind-map for enumeration with commands and options. You cannot assume anything for target machines, but your steps with prescribed commands will guide you to the right direction.

  • You do not want to attack before you complete your all enumerations. Your attack may be succeeded in the first port enumeration, because you are just lucky.

  • Take a note to capture the details (ports/services/versions, etc.). Note-taking and screenshot practice will impact your actual time for enumeration, exploitation, and privilege escalation! Do not underestimate the practice.

  • Try harder is not spend longer. If you cannot think anything more, it is time to give up or take a break to do it again. But giving up is your opportunity to try harder next time. You will accumulate your experiences of what have you thought, what have you missed, and what you have learned. I am sure 99% of time, you missed a technical knowledge when you gave up.

  • You remember 100% today, forget 30% in 3 days, lose 70% in 7 days. Include a practice not to forget what you have learned, while you are learning something new every day.

  • You copy and paste because you are too old to remember No! You are getting old because you copy and paste. Try type every command every day until your body remembers the commands in heart.

  • Speed & efficient are golden. Make every single effort on this. Tooling and automation. Check your steps, watch videos, read blogs/write-up and get some shadow and learning from others to improve your skills.

Last updated